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​​Promoting understanding and advocacy about neurodivergent brains for:




Allied Health Professionals

Businesses and Corporations




Cath Fernando is a Neurodivergent Speech Pathologist and former engineer based in Melbourne Australia.


She is passionate about eliminating bullying and negative stigmas and stereotypes about neurodivergent people and advocating for their strengths, accommodations and inclusion. 


Cath started Spoons Advocacy as a platform to promote the Neurodiversity Movement. She has already written educational materials including "An Neurodiversity Affirming Practice: An Introduction" for Speech Pathology Australia, and appeared on the podcast Speak Up. 


Cath provides education to parents, teachers, allied health professionals, and workplaces about the value of neurodiversity. By understanding  neurodivergent brains from a positive perspective, neurodivergent people can be accommodated and included  in classrooms and workplaces.


Please see her services and feel free to get in touch.

Cath Fernando


Speech PAthology Australia

Professional Courses and Events

Speech Pathology Professionals

Developed by Cath Fernando​
Speech Pathology Supervision
ACT, NSW Rural and Regional Speech Pathology Australia -  Event Presentation
  • "Cath was an engaging and thought provoking presenter who shared her passion for Neuroaffirming practice. As clinicians, it sparked reflection on our current practice and skills, whilst also providing us with new tools to best support our Neurodiverse caseloads."

    Josie McIntyre and Bianca Lyons - SPA Event attendees

Speech Pathology Australia Vic 2024 SLP2B
  • Victorian Student Careers Event
    Presenter and Panel Member 2024

Panel photo-SLP24 (4).jpg
Spoon Advocacy
Wesley College
Elwood Primary School


Victorian Schools

School Accolades
  • "Cath's presentation enriched our teaching staff's understanding of Neurodiversity. With her deep knowledge and articulate communication of lived experiences, Cath provided excellent insights which have positively impacted our diverse learning community. "


Ilja van Weringh, Head of Teaching & Learning

St Kilda Road Campus - Wesley College


  • "Thank you for sharing your passion and your expertise. our presentation and your discussion was fantastic – welcoming, inclusive and informative. We are so very lucky to have you in our village."

Nicole, Principal - Elwood Primary School


Parent Accolades
  • "The session contained really helpful info about different challenges autistic kids face. I've learned where I can go to find out more things about the different challenge we face."

  • "It's so reassuring to hear that other parents face the same challenges!"

  • "Enlightening us on how to accept neurodivergent kids for who they are

Conference Presentation

Speech Pathology Australia National Conference

Working in a neurodiverse world
Cath Fernando Conference
Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 09-32-21 Spectrum Uncensored Spectrum Uncensored - Episode 22 - C
Neurodiversity Affirming Podcast


Podcasts With Cath Fernando

Speak Up




Victoria University 

Speech Pathology

Guest Lecturer

Student Accolades
  • "Very affirming presentation that includes so many valuable and practical resources to think about ADHD and Autism in today's world."

  • "Very comprehensive presentation which challenged our existing ideas about neurodiversity. It was a fantastic opportunity to learn from clinician with lived experience.
    Thank you."


  • "Gave me a great perspective into expanding my knowledge into many areas of neurodiversity. I realised that there are so many gaps that need to be filled. I am very hopeful for this."

Cath Fernando Guest Lecturing


Autistic and Neurotypical Communication Differences - sq.jpg

Parents, Teachers and Allied Health Professionals

Visit the shop for worksheets, documents and more developed
By Cath Fernando a qualified practicing neurodivergent Speech



Our Services


Parent Online Seminars

  • For parents of Autistic and ADHD children

  • Formal diagnosis not required

  • 1.5 hours duration

  • Monthly sessions

  • Register Interest below and be added to the wait list for our next seminar


Teacher online or
in-person seminars

  • For classroom teachers, classroom assistants

  • Group sessions

  • 1.5 hour seminar - Becoming Neurodiversity Affirming 

  • 1 hour - Classroom management strategies


Allied Health Professional Seminars and Supervision

  • For Speech Pathologists and Allied Health Professionals

  • 1.5 hour seminar Neurodiversity Affirming Practice

  • Supervision and Case Study discussion


Parent Online Seminars Content


  • Understand the principles of the neurodiversity movement and how all brains are important and valid 


  • Understand Autism and ADHD from a positive, lived experience perspective 


  • Support your child to understand their differences in a positive light 


  • Understand Autistic and ADHD communication styles - why they are different to neurotypical styles and how to get along with others


  • The double empathy theory and how to form real friendships     


  • How to advocate for your child, and teach them to self-advocate. 

School More

Schools & Teacher Online or In-person
Seminars Content 


  • Truly understand autistic and ADHD children from a lived experience perspective 

  • Understand and respond to the feelings behind the behaviours for easier classroom management  

  • Facilitate genuine engagement in classroom activities without offering rewards

  • Understand Autistic and ADHD communication differences   

  • Reduce school refusal and after school meltdowns 

  • Facilitate peer inclusion without 'social skills' groups



Allied Heath More

Allied Health Professional Seminars and


  • Understand Autism and ADHD from a lived experience perspective

  • Busting myths, reducing stigmas and stereotypes about Autism/ADHD  

  • Understand the dangers of masking

  • Why 'social skills' groups can do more harm than good

  • How to facilitate an authentic rapport with your neurodivergent clients

  • How to support your clients to build a positive self identity

  • Understand Autistic and ADHD communication styles - why they are different to neurotypical styles and how to get along with others

  • The double empathy theory and how to form real friendships     

  • How to advocate for your client, and teach them to self-advocate. 




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 An introduction to being Neurodiversity Affirming!

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